Related Categories: Medical, Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine, Cardiologists, Chiropodists, Chiropractors, Cosmetic Surgeons, Counselling & Mental Health, Dentists, Dermatologists, Hospitals, Medical Centres, Mobility Aids, Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, Ophthalmologists, Opticians, Oral Surgeons, Orthodontists, Paediatricians, Pathologist, Physiotherapy, Podiatrists, Pregnancy & Maternity Services, Psychiatrists, Specialist Medical Services, Sports Medicine, Weight Loss Treatment
Doctors have achieved the highest level of education, skills and proficiency in their fields. Generally, we might think of medical doctors or physicians; but a doctor can really be a professional in any field. Medical doctors might also be called physicians, medical professionals, health care professionals, medical practitioners, cosmetic surgeons, refractive surgeons, ophthalmologists, laser eye surgeons, vascular sonographers, radiologists, nurses, phlebologists, sports doctors, neurosurgeons, scientists or spine surgeons. Physicians can treat pretty much any ailment, including common colds, bruises, cuts and diseases. It is wise for you to call a couple of weeks in advance to make a doctor's appointment; if you can't, you can always get emergency services from a hospital.
Physicians use stethoscopes, IVs, needles, scalpels, imaging systems, X-rays, lab tests, general radiography, MRI, interventional, angiography and examinations to figure out what is wrong with you. If you have been sick for a week, you might want to visit a medical doctor. Medical professionals can prescribe anti-biotics to help your immune system fight maladies. If you have diabetes, high-blood pressure or other serious diseases, then you might need to visit more often. Sports physicians will usually conduct an examination of professional athletes before they transfer to a new team. Expectant mothers might want to get ultrasound services from a local Australian doctor.
Cosmetic surgeons can help you with breast augmentation, eyes, nose, ears, face lifts, laser sculpting or Botox. Physicians might work in hospitals, health care clinics or in laboratories. If you are going to travel overseas, you might need immunizations or vaccines from a travel medical centre. Children entering school might also be required to get various vaccines.
Medical professionals might have received the Accredited General Practice (GPA) designation. They will have Doctorates in nearly any field. Medical practitioners might be fellows of Travel Clinics Australia, Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Australian Medical Association (AMA), Australian Society of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Opthalmologists, Australasian Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons, Australian Association of Practice Managers, Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL), Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), Spine Society of Australia, Australasian College of Phlebology or Australian Institute of Ultrasound.
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