Related Categories: Medical, Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine, Cardiologists, Chiropodists, Chiropractors, Cosmetic Surgeons, Counselling & Mental Health, Dentists, Dermatologists, Doctors, Hospitals, Medical Centres, Mobility Aids, Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, Ophthalmologists, Oral Surgeons, Orthodontists, Paediatricians, Pathologist, Physiotherapy, Podiatrists, Pregnancy & Maternity Services, Psychiatrists, Specialist Medical Services, Sports Medicine, Weight Loss Treatment
Opticians are the eye care professionals most likely to give you an eye exam for new contact lenses or glasses. Opticians might also be called vision doctors, registered optometrists, ophthalmologists, optometrists, oculists, retina specialists, eye doctors, eye specialists, medical specialists, vision specialists or qualified medical practitioners. Opticians might work in a hospital, medical centre or have their own shops in the local mall.
You can get the following services from a qualified optician: eye examinations, digital retinal imaging, frames, prescription lenses, cancer screening, sunglasses, glaucoma, spectacles, macular degeneration, diabetic checks, optical coherence tomography, retinal photography, dry eye treatment, perceptual assessments, dyslexia assessment & treatment, 200 degree retinal imaging, 3D macula imaging and cornea exams. Generally, the optician is more likely to concentrate on the final steps of taking an eye exam and fitting you for new glasses. Therefore, you are more likely to find them in stores. If you need to diagnosis a potential eye disease, then you might want to contact an ophthalmologist or optometrist.
If you have specific questions about hard or soft contact lenses, bifocals or lens cleaning solutions, then an optician can help. Here are some of the top eye wear brands: Avaira, Bega, Biofinity, Chanel, Columbia, D&G, Dirty Dog, Emporio Armani, Oakley, Orgreen, Paragong Orthokeratology, Polo, ProVision, Ralph Lauren, Ray-Ban, RM Williams, Rodenstock, Versace or Vogue. Some opticians will offer overnight vision correction or no day time glasses for those who need glasses immediately.
Opticians might have earned a Bachelors of Optometry, Ocular Therapeutics, Science or Occupational Therapy. A professional optician might be a member of one of the following organizations: Optometrists Association of Australia, Australasian College of Behavioural Optometry (ACBO), Contact Lens Society of Australia, Australian Dispensing Opticians Association, Australian Contact Lens Society, Australian Association of Optometrists, Cornia & Contact Lens Society of Australia (CCLSA), Orthokeratology Society of Oceania (OSO) or Guild of Dispensing Opticians Australia. Your eye specialist might have earned a Certificate IV in Optical Dispensing. See if your eye doctor will take Medibank.
If you want new glasses or contact lenses, the run on down to your local optician. He can check out your vision. Your Australia LocalBook has local medical professionals who can service you. This is your “Go-To” Australian Business Directory.
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